Contact Jon Dreyer

  • Cell phone/text: +1-781-696-2614. Please consider email instead! If it's urgent or if we need to discuss something, please call or text between 10:00 am and 11:00 pm EST/EDT (unless it's really urgent!) For urgent messages, text is best since I can read them while tutoring; I don't answer the phone or read email during sessions.
  • Postal mail: Please email me (below) for the address, which changed in 2020.
  • Pay me
  • Email: jon at passionatelycurious dot com,with the obvious substitutions, or use the form below. When using the form, please make sure to include at least your correct email address and/or telephone number so I can find you, and please be reasonably complete if this is our first contact.
    • Your name
    • Your email addr (especially important if you want a reply!)
    • Your telephone number (especially important if you want me to call!)
    • Student's name
      • First
      • Middle initial (Important for new students: for the calendar!)
      • Last
    • High school class year (four digits)
    • Subject
    • Message (If scheduling a weekly session, please make sure you've looked at least a month ahead in the calendar and please be specific about both time slot and start date.)

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I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious. —Albert Einstein